Customs officer

chris (2002-10-11 10:17:49)
0 replies
5 friends are driving in an Audi Quattro. A customs officer stops them at
customs and after the formalities a conversation is struck up.

Customs Officer, seriously:
There are five of you in an Audi Quattro, I can't let you past, either
that or one of you has to get out.

Driver, surprised and a touch mocking:
Look, the name of the car has nothing to do with the number of seats, it's
authorised to carry 5 people.

Customs Officer:
Impossible, in an Audi *Quattro* you are only allowed *four* people. One
of you has to get out, I'm not letting you past.

Driver, showing signs of annoyance:
I tell you that the word Quattro relates to the 4 wheel drive, the four
cylinders, whatever, it's got nothing to do with the number of people
allowed in the car!

Customs Officer, undeterred:
Impossible. You're not getting past until one of you has got out of the
Audi Quattro!

Driver, beside himself:
Look, no more joking. You shouldn't be working here. I can't keep talking
to you this way, call your superior, I'll have to speak to them!

Customs Officer:
Unfortunately that won't be possible at the moment. He's got his hands
full right now with 2 idiots in a Fiat "*Uno*"